Advanced training

Pave your own career pathway

No matter if you strive for more responsibilities or advanced training opportunities – we will respond to your individual situation!

A good employer not only gives clear guidelines, but also listens to his employees and responds to their individual wishes and needs. We recognise your potential and help you to make the best possible use of it.

Choose your training

Which way do you choose?

The advanced training opportunities at Wilhelm Schütz
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Our advanced training measures at a glance:

  • Regular training on small appliances
  • Annual training on asphalt pavers (WS assumes the costs for employees)
  • Annual training for roller drivers
  • Annual training for asphalt feeders
  • Foreman training and advanced training: Surveying, construction accounting
  • Experience circle for foremen
  • Advanced training semi-rigid wearing courses
  • Advanced training quality seal sewer construction
  • Advanced training in asphalt construction
  • (Full) participation in costs for truck modules
  • Participation in the costs of driving licence for trucks (1/3 of the costs)
  • Advanced training in the field of asphalt at the German Asphalt Association e.V.
  • VOB training courses
  • Regular internal training for construction supervisors in the following areas: planning, EDP, accounting, process optimisation (resource and time management)
  • Trainings in Lean Management
  • Joint seminars of various participants (disposition, construction supervision, foremen) to promote the execution of construction work and to improve business management processes (construction supervisors, accounting, disposition)
  • Annual meetings to communicate the performance of the previous year and the strategy for the coming year

We also offer the following in the training area:

  • Social projects, which are carried out by the trainees in order to be introduced to independent work at an early stage
  • Financing of tutoring at the Limburg training centre
  • Internal training: Math, specific exam preparation, in-house tutoring for apprentices, free of charge, weekly, “trial exams” within the company practical & theoretical, introduction to specific areas by specialists (mastic asphalt, machine control, specifications, construction plans)


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Become a Schütz apprentice.