Mörfelder Landstraße – Frankfurt



Magistrat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main


Construction time

October 2019 to June 2020

Mörfelder Landstraße, bicycle route 3.BA

Main works

The present construction project is the Mörfelder Landstraße bicycle route between the Otto-Fleck-Schneise and the Flughafenstraße.
This section is the last part of the overall route Mörfelder Landstraße, which runs between the Otto-Fleck-Schneise (connection to the Hessian long-distance bicycle path R 8) and the Oppenheimer Landstraße in Frankfurt am Main and is part of the overall urban bicycle traffic network.
The sections between Flughafenstraße and Oppenheimer Landstraße have already been expanded and equipped.
The last construction section, which is still open, has a length of 1,490 metres. Of this, no alterations are required over a distance of around 550 metres.
The section runs along the Mörfelder Landstraße (B 44 / B 43) from the junction of the Otto-Fleck-Schneise.
Subject of this tender are earthworks, drainage and road construction works as well as civil engineering works for the Office for Information and Communication Technology (Department 16) and the Road Traffic Office (Department 36). The drainage measures primarily include infiltration facilities.


  • 3.000 m² asphalt base layer
  • 590 m² stone mastic asphalt
  • 2.380 m² asphalt concrete brightened
  • 52 pieces gabion baskets
  • 82 m concrete retaining wall
  • 130 m tubular steel railing
  • 100 m crash barriers
  • 600 m cable conduit
  • 2.900 m³ excavated soil

Special features

The measure has been constructed in accordance with the guidelines for “unhindered mobility”. The construction is a combined footpath and bicycle path.
The standard width is 3.00 metres, with exception of the section to be newly constructed, which has a standard width of 2.50 metres due to the spatial conditions. In the case of existing trees, selective constrictions are necessary.