Hall 12 Fair – Frankfurt



Messe Frankfurt Venue GmbH


Construction time

February 2018 bis August 2018

Outdoor facilities hall 12 Fair Frankfurt

Execution of 21,000 m² surfaces and furnishing


  • approx. 5,500 m³ earthworks
  • approx. 10,000 t soil disposal
  • approx. 10,000 m² asphalt break-up
  • approx. 400 m road drainage connection pipe
  • approx. 40 road inlets, approx. 420 m heavy-duty drainage channel
  • approx. 1,000 m edging
  • approx. 12,100 m² of asphalt work
  • approx. 11,000 m² paving work on asphalt base layer
  • approx. 200 precast concrete parts as collision protection and seating areas, including pylon edging

Special features:

  • Construction of the outdoor facilities under full operation of the main and finishing works
  • Particularly close coordination with the facade work
  • approx. 6,000 m² asphalt on parking level 0 with approx. 5 m height restriction
  • 2 high-quality wooden terraces with large umbrella stands for outdoor gastronomy

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