• W. Schütz in the FAZ

    We try to make the most of this quiet time While everyone is talking about home office and meetings being held via videoconferencing, there are a handful professions where this gets a bit more complicated, including the construction industry. But that doesn't necessarily mean that this has a negative impact on those involved. In the [...] Continue Reading
  • Works meeting January 2020

    Packed hall, pleasant topics. This year's works meeting marked a very harmonious, optimistic and powerful start into the year 2020. Not only were almost all employees present at the event in January, the topics on the agenda were also largely positive due to the good working atmosphere and the excellent state of business. Here is [...] Continue Reading
  • Sharing is caring!

    New email address for your construction site snapshots W. Schütz employees now have the possibility to send their own picture material to the email address social@wilhelm-schuetz.com. Our marketing team will then review the material and use it accordingly on the Facebook, Instagram and Indeed channels. Attention: Please only send in pictures to which you actually [...] Continue Reading
  • New year, new projects!

    Featuring Instagram & Indeed. After having laid a strong foundation for the digital appearance of the company with the new website and the Facebook fan page (currently over 3000 fans), it is now time to strengthen the positioning of the Schütz company on two further platforms: Instagram and Indeed.  Indeed is a modern job board [...] Continue Reading
  • Beware, Mr. Snowman!

    The W. Schütz winter service is coming... When Team Schütz arrives, all the snowmen tremble... on the other hand, thanks to our road clearance services Santa Claus' carriage always has a free ride on the streets of Hessen, even without four-wheel drive. We wish all employees, friends and business partners a relaxing holiday and perfect [...] Continue Reading
  • Year in review 2019

    What we have accomplished in 2019... As a medium-sized company in road construction and civil engineering, we set ourselves the goal every year to become better at what we do and how we do it. To give you an insight into what we do - and what moves us - throughout the year, we have [...] Continue Reading
  • A little kindness goes a long way.

    Team Schütz is surprised with a delicious snack in Karben. Annoyed local residents meet heat-plagued construction workers: trouble is usually inevitable during road construction work. According to a report in the Wetterauer Zeitung newspaper, the Wilhelm Schütz construction site in the community of Klein-Karben proves that things can be done differently: When our team was [...] Continue Reading
  • Mixing plant / Oberursel back in operation!

    Schütz employees sighted at lofty heights Obviously, a re-commissioning of a modern industrial plant is not for people who are afraid of heights! After rebuilding to renew components and increasing capacity, we recently "switched on" our mixing plant in Oberursel again. However, with such a plant it is unfortunately not enough to simply push a [...] Continue Reading
  • Welcome, apprentices and students 2019!

    We are glad you ended up with the right team! A total of 10 apprentices recently started their service with Team Schütz, including the prospective road builders Philipp, Benedikt, Jan, Tim-Luca and Günay, the draughtsman Mehmet, the industrial clerks Lisa, Emirhan and Dennis and our dual student Marvin. Of course, a photo shoot in front [...] Continue Reading
  • Test run for the final exam

    Our apprentices prepare for the big day So that the upcoming exams are not a problem, we have already held trial exams on our premises for the Schütz apprentices. Under the leadership of Schütz apprentice manager C. Brühl and our experienced foreman M. Borst, the apprentices laid small pavement and mosaic surfaces in preparation for [...] Continue Reading